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"As a region, the Arctic is warming faster than any other part of the planet; it is both a sentinel of global change and a key component of the climate system. In this talk, Phil will highlight the po

"As a region, the Arctic is warming faster than any other part of the planet; it is both a sentinel of global change and a key component of the climate system. In this talk, Phil will highlight the powerful linkages between the biosphere and the cryosphere (the frozen world) in the Arctic, and how this matters to us all." TedTalk synopsis

After watching the TedTalk video, Arctic Amplification, you will notice that this talk was produced in the year of 2015. It is, to say the least, startling when you think about the implications. Please research current literature (news and scientific) and make a few comments on how things are continuing to change.

  • Are there any certain facts or aspects of information that are particularly concerning to you?
  • Do you think after watching the talk and reviewing literature that we can help to slow the process?
  • You need to post at least two substantial responses to your classmates.
  • Make sure to cite sources when applicable.

Please remember to post responses to at least two of your classmates, this is required. 

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