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AssignUASSIGNMENT Length:600-800 words OBJECTIVES Primary Discussion Response is due by Friday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Tuesday (11:59:59pm Primary Task The Career Services Reso


600-800 words


Primary Discussion Response is due by Friday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Tuesday (11:59:59pm

Primary Task

The Career Services Resource Center allows you to connect with valuable job search resources thatfocus on resume and cover letter development, professional networking, interviewing skills, and more.

Explore the CTU Career Services Resource Center by clicking on this link: CTU Career Services Info. Find1 resource that will be helpful for you. You can explore resources outside of the CTU Career Services Resource Center as well.

Step 2: Write Your Career Reflection

  • Paragraph 1: Identify at least 1 resource that you will use in your career planning and management, and discuss the following:
    • Provide a summary about the resource. Whatis theresource, and what interested you about this resource?
    • How is this resource helpful? What did you learn from the resource?
    • When will you use this resource (when developing your career plan, during your job search, throughout your career, etc.)?
  • Paragraph 2: You are likely in school because you want to build your future career success, and you are making that happen right now. Discuss your plans to ensure your career success. Specifically, discuss the following:
    • Education is one valuable part of the career success equation, but what other things do you need to find career success?
    • Look back at your Unit 1 Discussion Board and your response to where you are in your career and where you want to be. What steps will you take in the next month to continue to ensure your career success? Using the information you learned when you analyzed your skills and the information about setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Action-Oriented, Realistic,andTimely), set 1 career goal that you can begin in the next month.
  • Paragraph 3: This course is designed to provide the knowledge and application of effective career management strategies for career development and transition, including the ability to identify and communicate who you are as a brand. Discuss the following:
    • In what ways has this course influenced your thinking about your career plan?
    • What is the most important thing you learned or discovered during this course?

Reading and Learning Materials

Use the followingresources to help you complete this assignment:

  • The Importance of the Post-Interview Thank You Follow-Up
    • Discover the importance of a Thank You note
  • 6 Things You Need to Figure Out Before You Negotiate Salary
    • Information to know before negotiating a salary
  • 13 Things Successful People Do in the First 3 Months at a New Job
    • Tips on being successful in your first 3 months on the job
  • Setting Goals and SMART Goals
  • Setting Up SMART Goals
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