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Discussion A 200 words 1. RosenbergLinks to an external site. Click Rosenberg Based on Attachment Theory Powerpoint and Rosenbergs self.esteem scale best describes the attachment style promoted in yo

Discussion A 200 words

1. RosenbergLinks to an external site.  Click Rosenberg Based on Attachment Theory Powerpoint and Rosenbergs self.esteem scale best describes the attachment style promoted in your home environment while you were growing up (or the home environment you are currently providing as a parent): Secure or Insecure (either  Anxious/Ambivalent or Anxious /Avoidant).

This is the scale 

2. Discussion B 200 words  workbook attached 

  1. Levinson writes about structure-building and structure-changing periods. As you view your life now, do you see yourself as being in a structure-building or structure-changing period? Why?
  2. On pages 12-17, there is a discussion of two dynamics that push us in and out of transitions: the stress reduction and the developmental models. For your current situation (or an earlier one if more appropriate) choose whether the stress reduction or the developmental model is more appropriate and explain why.

As always, be sure to show me the connection between you life and the readings. Also You MUST keep a conversation going by responding to at least 2 others. 


Student Examples of assignment answers :

STRUCTURE BUILDING"I see myself in the structure-building period because my focus is on acquiring the credentials for public health education. I have made certain choices about where I want to live, work, worship, and study, and I am now fulfilling my obligations. This is a time when I am forging new alliances that will be helpful to my career goals. There is stability in my family and friendships."

STRUCTURE CHANGING"I am in a structure-changing period in my life--as Levinson puts it, a transitional period. I am at a point where I am not sure where to go with my life. I am unsure if I want to extend my family or continue with my other personal goals of getting my degree and furthering my career. There is, of course, the option of doing both simultaneously...I think that the current situation is representative of the Age Thirty Transition. I want to settle down and have the traditional 'family' while at the same time realize my goals, some of which I have cacarried from my youth."

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